Monday, March 26, 2018


Here is what we will be working on in class this week, and any makeup work if you know you will be absent that day.

MONDAY (26TH)----Final Test Review Day---Complete Activities 1-5 on pages 218-19 of your book and check out the Review and Practice Tab of our class website.

TUESDAY (27th)----Chapter 6 Test----If you miss class today, makeup test in-class on Wednesday or outside of class sometime this week.

WEDNESDAY (28th)----Work Day on Chapter 6 Project----Check out the post below for project link and instructions.  If you missed Tuesday's test, you will be making it up during class on Wednesday.  The project is due Thursday at the start of class....regardless of whether or not you are in school.

THURSDAY (29th)----Easter Cultural Info----Cultural powerpoint will be posted on class website...answer the questions on page 2 of your culture packet using that info.  Also, Chapter 6 project due at the start of class (no presentations)

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